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Peaks Todorini Kukli

Todorini Kukli are a group of 4 rocky peaks in Koznitsa mountain (part of Western Stara Planina), the highest of which is 1785 m high. It is located 10 km southwest of Varshets and 6 km northeast of the Petrohan pass. The peaks form a short hill, a branch of the main Stara Planina ridge, with a north-south direction. The two highest peaks to the south of the ridge are grassy, while the extreme two to the north have sharp rocky slopes. The elevation is at the southernmost peak of the group. From the top there is a panoramic view of Kom to the northwest, Berkovsko Pole, Varshets, Montana to the north and the Vratsa Balkan to the northeast. North of Todorini dolls, at a distance of 5 km is the Klisura Monastery. Todorini Kukli are also associated with the folk legend of the beautiful girl Todora. According to the folk song, she bet on becoming the wife of the young man who climbed the high peak in the middle of the night and left a mark on himself. When no one wanted to go, she boldly went up with only her “hurka”, and when she reached the small meadow at the top, she drove the “hurka” into the ground. When she got up to go back, she felt something pull her by the apron or skirt, she was afraid that it was evil spirits or fairies, she jerked and flew into the terrible abyss below the top. In time, people found at this place only the beaten Todorina hurka, which turned out to be a sign not only of her ascent, but also of her death. Tourist routes: from Petrohan pass, 2:00h. From the pass to the top you go east through a beech forest past the Petrohan hut, along the red markings of the route Kom - Emine. You go out on the grassy main ridge and go west on stakes winter markings. At the hill of Todorini dolls there is a path north to the peaks. From Varshets, 4:00 h, the peak is accessible by several different trails and bike paths. From Todorini dolls you can reach the Klisura Monastery in about 2:30 hours.

Paleopark Varshets

The park and the museum exposition present to the visitors that this area was inhabited by animals very different from today's: rhinos, ancient wild horses and cloven-hoofed animals, cheetahs, hyenas, saber-toothed cats, large vultures, eagles, falcons and bustards, blackbirds, larks , swifts and many other extinct bird species. Antelopes and large lizards - lizards - were found. The exposition complex of the paleopark is represented by an exhibition center - a hall and a park environment with unique sculptural reconstructions. In the hall, visitors can see an exhibition with fossil remains of the deposit and enjoy multimedia with videos and animation representing the deposit. The exposition is presented in 10 showcases through separate bones and castings of more impressive remains, the originals of which are stored in the NPM-BAS. Separate boards with illustrations and text show the more attractive species found in the locality. The diorama with an area of ​​about 12 square meters restores the natural environment 2.5 million years ago around the locality - vegetation, relief, main species of vertebrates. It is a model of the karts - the specific geomorphological formations that form the modern landscape in the area of ​​the deposit. To date, about 140 species of vertebrates have been identified in the locality, including 8 species of reptiles and amphibians, 74 species of birds / 5 of which are new species of larks worldwide /, 37 species of small mammals and 21 species of large mammals. More than 1,700 bone remains of birds and over 1,000 bone remains of predators, even-toed ungulates and non-even-toed ungulates have been collected from the locality. 15 species of birds, one species of small carnivorous mammal and one species of vole are new to world science. This faunal wealth places the locality near Varshets in the first place in terms of the number of vertebrate species found among the localities of Villafranca age in Europe. Working hours: Wednesday - Sunday 10:30 - 13:00 and 13: 30-17: 30, Weekends: Monday and Tuesday.