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“He was not frugal, when Got created this place. The people who refine it, did not spare themselves either.” – Dora Gabe (famous Bulgarian writer)

The year of birth of the resort Varshets is considered to be 1850. At the beginning of the last century Varshets was known as the Bulgarian Baden-Baden. Lying quietly at the foot of the northern slopes of the Balkan Mountains, amidst the coolness of mixed forests, the town seems to still live in the era of its aristocratic glory.A center of celebrities and rich people from the beginning of the last century, Varshets was preferred both because of its healing mineral springs and because of the mild climate and inspiring nature. As if to preserve its tranquility and rich historical past, the city stays away from the frantic race to attracta lot of tourists andbuildspectacular constructions. Here connoisseurs of the art of landscaping can truly admire the mastery of gardeners who created the unique park complex "Sunny Garden" and the romantic "Alley of the plane trees".

The mineral water of Varshets has been known for thousands of years for its healing properties. The hot mineral spring of Varshets has a water temperature of 36.2 degrees Celsius, and the so-called "cool" spring has a temperature of 32 degrees.

The resort is also home to the second largest park in Bulgaria - the City forest park, where specially transferred exotic species grow. The City forest park was established in 1912 according to the project of the first balneologist in Bulgaria, who received his education in Austria - Dr. Damyan Ivanov. A true scholar, with rich knowledge in various fields, the doctor put all his potential in Varshets to turn it into an exceptional resort on a European level. The park covers an area of ​​80 ha and is forested mainly with coniferous trees, the most valuable species are redwood, lyre, cedar, ginkgo biloba, magnolia, paradise apple and others.

From the central part of the park start marked eco-routes, both for fans of short walks and for tourists. Among them is the path that leads to Ivanchova Polyana, just 10 minutes from the city center. It is located on the highest point of the park and connects it with the ancient forests of the „Koznishki” part of the „Stara Planina“ mountain. The area has been known since the beginning of the XX century, when dance parties and luxury celebration were organized.

Fans of quiet city evening walks can walk along the wide„Alley withtheplane trees“, a 2 km long pedestrian zone located in the central part of the city. The trees that form the beautiful green tunnel from the center of Varshets to Zanozhene are almost a hundred years old.From times past,this is the traditional place in the city for lovers to walk. On both sides of the boulevard are located some of the most beautiful villas in the village, built in the early last century. They bear the delicateromantic names - "Роза" (Rose), "Незабравка" (Unforgetable), "Oртензия" (Hydrangea) . It is curious that great artists such as Ivan Vazov and Dora Gabe stayedin those places.

It is no coincidence that the first Bulgarian casino was built in Varshets. It isnearby to the two mineral baths, built in almost the same architectural style in 1924. It was electrified in the 1930s, when Varshets was at the height of a resort that attracted not only the richest Bulgarians, but also many guests from abroad. Varshets was alsovisited by Prince Cyril, who often played in the casino, which is why it is still called the "Royal Casino". In 1938 the first beauty contest "Miss Varshets" was held here.

Every year, in early August, the city celebrates the traditional and most importantfestival in the area –The festival ofthe resort, mineral water and the Balkans, which pays tribute to the mineral springs and the generosity of Mother Nature. For several weeks in Varshets are held various events for children and adults, concerts, folklore events, a craft alley, a plein air on painting, football and volleyball tournaments, a orienteering competition and many other events.



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