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Date: 8/31/2024

Duration: 07.07-31.08.24

Exciting two months ahead in Varshets. A rich program of events for the Summer Holidays of the resort town - summer cinema, sports events, theater productions and great concerts await the guests and residents of the town. The culmination is the "Festival of the resort, mineral water and the Balkans", which will take place in the period 29.07 - 04.08 and will be saturated with interesting events during each of the days - concerts, exhibitions, literary events, a three-day children's festival, as well as theatrical productions will please everyone. SCHEDULE: 28 July 2024 (Sunday) 11:00 a.m. Horse show jumping competitions for the Varshets municipality cup "Equestrian Base Varshets" 30 July 2024 (Tuesday) 8:30 p.m. Concert by the Greek artist Vaggelis Tsaknakis the scene in front of National community centre "Hristo Botev 1900" 31 July 2024 (Wednesday) 18:30 Exhibition dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of Dimitar Dimov the lobby of the "Hr. Botev 1900" 8:30 p.m. Nelina's concert the scene in front of the "Hr. Botev 1900" August 1, 2024 (Thursday) 11:30 a.m. "Lachezar Stanchev Award for Sonnet Poetry 2024" the scene in front of the "Hr. Botev 1900" 8:30 p.m. Theater - "While You Were Sleeping" Production: Bogdan Petkanin. Participants: Marian Bachev, Kiril Efremov, Desi Bakardzhieva, Antoine Petrov, Eva Tepavicharova and Svetlomir Radev. the salon of the "Hr. Botev 1900" August 2, 2024 (Friday) 10:00 a.m. "Three-day children's entertainment festival" First part: "Sports in the park" - Many games and competitions for children and parents. park "St. passed" 8:30 p.m. Solemn ceremony on the occasion of the Holiday of the resort, mineral water and the Balkans "Varshets 2024" • Host: Petya Genova • Festive water world • Concert of rock group "Signal" • Festive dawn the scene in front of the "Hr. Botev 1900" August 3, 2024 (Saturday) 8:30 a.m. Football tournament for the cup of Varshets municipality Pine Park 09:30 a.m. "Three-day children's entertainment festival" Part Two: Three hours of unforgettable fun with games and dancing, a waterfall of bubbly balloons and foam, and with everyone's favorite Marshall; Sunny Garden Park 11:00 a.m. Craft Alley The avenue with the plane trees 8:30 p.m. "GLOCK" rock band concert the scene in front of the "Hr. Botev 1900" 4 August 2024 (Sunday) 09:30 a.m. "Three-day children's entertainment festival" Third part: The longest drawing on the theme: "Children love Varshets" (asphalt drawing) Pine Park 11:00 a.m. "Magic show with tricks" the scene in front of the "Hr. Botev 1900" August 10, 2024 (Saturday) 8:30 p.m. Concert by Veselin Marinov the scene in front of the "Hr. Botev 1900" August 16, 2024 (Friday) 8:00 p.m. Theater - "Caught in the Net" by Ray Cooney at "Ivan Vazov" University Varshets and the STARS OF VARSHETS. Production: Borislav Borisov the salon of the "Hr. Botev 1900" August 17, 2024 (Saturday) 8:30 p.m. Concert of the pop singer Antonia Markova the scene in front of the "Hr. Botev 1900" 23 August 2024 (Friday) 09:00 a.m. Open court tennis tournament for amateurs for the Varshets Municipality Cup The tennis court in the "Minkovi Bani" complex, Spanchevtsi village 24 August 2024 (Saturday) 09:00 a.m. Open court tennis tournament for amateurs for the Varshets Municipality Cup The tennis court in the "Minkovi Bani" complex, Spanchevtsi village 8:30 p.m. Ivana's concert with a band the scene in front of the "Hr. Botev 1900" 25 August 2024 (Sunday) 09:00 a.m. Open court tennis tournament for amateurs for the Varshets Municipality Cup The tennis court in the "Minkovi Bani" complex, Spanchevtsi village 31 August 2024 (Saturday) 20:00 Concert by Iva and Velislava Kostadinovi the scene in front of the "Hr. Botev 1900"

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